Tuesday, September 3, 2013

Mais Um Estudo Liga Consumo Moderado De Vinho A Anti-Depressao

E eu proponho o contrario: Nao acho (atencao medicos, ''acho'' foi a palavra que usei) que vinho tenha propriedades anti-depressivas. Eu acho que o cara que toma vinho todo dia em moderacao esta bem da cabeca, de humor, com o corpo. Tomar vinho he somente um reflexo da alegria reinante, ao passo que destilado combina mais com dias dificeis.

Anyhow... aqui vai o artigo. Mais um.


30th August, 2013 by Rupert Millar

Drinking two to seven glasses of wine a week lowers the risk of becoming depressed by 32% on average say researchers.

red wine tasting manThe new study was compiled by researchers at the University of Navarra in Spain and is particularly relevant for middle aged and older people.
The researchers studied the health of 5,500 light to moderate drinkers aged 55 to 80 over a seven year period and assessed their alcohol consumption, mental health and lifestyle.
Those who drank moderately were shown to be at a “significantly lower” risk of falling into depression.
Professor Miguel Martinez-González, the senior author of the report, commented: “Lower amounts of alcohol intake might exert protection in a similar way to what has been observed for coronary heart disease. In fact, it is believed that depression and coronary heart disease share some common disease mechanisms.”
The news is yet another positive in health studies concerning moderate alcohol consumption.
However, there are a seemingly equal number of negative outcomes too not least yesterday’s news that women drinking heavily before their first pregnancy were more likely to contract breast cancer.


  1. JR,

    Matéria postada hoje no site da Wine Spectator comenta o estudo realizado pelo Professor Miguel Martinez-González:

    "Can Drinking Wine Prevent Depression?
    Study finds alcohol consumed in moderation, particularly wine, may lower mental-health risk"
    Jacob Gaffney
    Posted: September 4, 2013

    Acesse para ler: http://www.winespectator.com/webfeature/show/id/48877

    Ressalto o parágrafo do artigo que julgo ser o que elucida a questão:

    Also, the red wine compound resveratrol is theorized to hold neuroprotective properties. "Neuroprotection applied to the hippocampus may prevent moderate wine drinkers from developing depression," the study reads. Previous investigations suggest the hippocampus may play a role in the development of severe depression.


    1. Interessante.

      Talvez tomando vinho o cidadao pega no tranco e "molda" o cerebro para entrar num ciclo vicioso positivo.

      Me explico:

      Estou depressivo (situacao hipotetica). Mas insisto no vinho tinto (que tem mais resveratrol) ate que uma hora meu estado clinico melhora e entro numa fase para cima gracas a uma ajuda de uma pequena droga licita e socialmente aceita.

      Acabei de tomar uma pilsen vencida e entrei num circulo vicioso de raiva. O coisa ruim.

      Grato por ter enviado o artigo.

