Monday, January 31, 2022

Grandes Vinhos, Pequenos Precos

 E dai vem a pergunta que Shakespeare em King Lear....por que nao fazem mais vinhos assim?

Gran Reserva Riojano, Siglo 2009. Um achado muito bom por $ 20.  It doesn't get any better for the price....

Recomendo. Vinhao, vai ficar jovem ainda durante bom tempo.

Tuesday, January 25, 2022

Grandes Cafes, Precos Exorbitantes

 Fim de ano foi temporada de visitar a tigrada nos interior desse grande pais. Aproveitei para experimentar alguns cafesis...coisa que renova minha fe na humanidade. 

Um cafe de destaque: Cafe bixo. De um pessoal simpatico e bem pequeno em SP (muito pequeno mesmo), das Kapital. Se voce gosta de cafe muito bom, mas tem raiva da sua carteira, compra um pouco la. Vale a pena no quesito qualidade. Fiz as contas e o cafe mais caro deles sai R$ 2.40 uma xicara grande. Ta valendo. A dona da marca sabe muito...pode ficar respondendo por horas perguntas de malas como eu com a maior boa vontade.

Outro cafe muito bom, mas caro para dedeu...he o tal de coffee + +. Ja vem pronto para por o filtro em cima da xicara, a prova de jumento....e uma baita qualidade. Tambem para quem tem odio da carteira. 

Monday, January 24, 2022

State Of The Wine Industry

The purpose of this article is to show a few comparisons between past, present time and assess what could happen with the wine industry given the current trends, without pretentiously stablish correlations and causations.

I found the current SVB report somewhat engaging and a good conversation starting point for commercially invested in wine people. One thing that I did not like so much about it is that this year they show more of whats than whys.

I know I am ageing, I do not know why. I have an idea, but I do not know why it is happening.

Cut to the famous Shiller S&P 500 P/E ratio. You do not have to be (I am not one of them) a macroeconomics specialist, but by now you ought to know who Robert Shiller is and what he does. Please note the peaks and freefalls in the numbers circa 2000, 2008 and the current last number ( That is right, we are now logging the second highest Shiller P/E ratio ever. Before you assume I am blowing the end of the world trumpet, look at this other graph from the SBV presentation for premium wine sales. Does it look familiar in any way?

My point here is that we do have a lot of disposable income in this country (it took a pandemic to show americans and residents that saving was possible) and premium/expensive wine sector has been one of the winners in the process. But that also should be the harbinger of possible future outcomes when the tie goes down and we see who was swimming naked.

The report shows the wine sector is failing to gain young consumers and at the same time traditional steady loyal wine consumers are just ageing and getting out of the game. Boomers and Xgens are just not picking up the share one would hope or expect.

I have heard people get into wine business in California (the same applies to other famous places in Europe too) in order to reap huge profits with real estate and the wine would be a very welcome byproduct of that venture. They can afford to produce and sell few bottles of wine at (allegedly) high quality and (reportedly) extremely high prices.

The wine industry as is is doing a great job in selling premium wines, albeit at the expense of fewer consumers in the future and the more educated/savvy consumer (these guys according to one graph barely increased their purchases), who recognizes great value at much inferior price tiers. One the educated mature consumer ages and starts consuming even more (hello insulin resistance and diabetes), who will sustain the market for those $ 100 bottles of napa cabernet, Barolo, Brunello and Bourgogne?

What will happen once more consumers in more states learn they can have access to edible or drinkable thc or cbd compounds for a fraction of dollars and just get out of their minds in a (debatable) healthier way than alcohol?

Premium prices demand premium performances, be that also from a trophy wife, your favorite stock or that house in you want in Medina.

Super premium wines come ridden with inflated ego-trips, bogus stories to jack up prices, promises of heaven in bottle that seldom fly. Young consumers are much smarter than that. The wine tie will show before long who was swimming naked.







Saturday, January 22, 2022

Grandes Vinhos, Pequenos Precos

 Uma daquelas promocoes que renova minha fe na humanidade. Vinho corpulento, algo de complexo e final gostoso.

Por $ 12 da vontade de comprar de baciada, mas consumidor disciplinado e insulinado que sou, peguei poucas garrafas.

Precision 2020, Napa Valley. Belo achado nessa baita promocao.

Vale $ 25? Hmmmmm, talvez, mas por $ 12 foi uma p compra.

Friday, January 21, 2022

Rip News

 Louie Anderson e Meat Loaf abotoaram o paleto no mesmo dia. Pena. Mas deixam um legado interessante. 

Wednesday, January 19, 2022

Perguntar Nao Ofende: Custo De Vinhos Em Restaurantes

 O grande e otimo seminario do SVB realizado hoje confirmou algo que ja sentimos ha tempos....a discrepancia dos numeros entre precos em restaurantes e lojas.

Por qual motivo o preco de vinhos disparou em restaurantes? Alem do fato que consumidores continuam pagando, mesmo reclamando, eu nao sei.


Friday, January 14, 2022

Pensamentos Aleatorios

Alemanha: BMW, Daimler. Italia: Ferrari. USA: Cadillac. Japao: Toyota. Banania: Gurgel.

Alemanha: Rottweiller. Inglaterra: Bulldog. Banania: Cao fila (km 27)

Franca: Roquefort. Italia: Parmiggiano. Portugal: Serra das Estrelas. Banania: Serra da Canastra FALSIFICADO

Dica Cultural: Get Back. The Beatles

 Uma das melhores surpresas da decada…get back, the beatles on Disney +. Rarissima oportunidade para testemunhar o processo criativo dos caras, as brigas, os abracos, a falta que um lider faz (quando Brian Epstein se foi, os caras ficam perdidos….mesmo the beatles precisam de lideranca).


Altamente recomendado para quem gosta da musica e de aprender mais sobre relacionamentos humanos. Foi o milagre terem durado tanto muito pouco tempo juntos.


Prepare-se para escutar don’t let me down umas 100 vezes.

Meu destaque fica por conta do momento em que Paul compoe get back do nada, na frente do George e do Richard.

Thursday, January 13, 2022

Dica Cultural

 Livros espetaculares.

Primeiro he a biografia do Sebastiao Maia digitada pelo Nelson Motta. Imperdivel.

Segundo: Os livros da serie Escravidao, do Laurentino Gomes. Sensacionais.