Tuesday, November 20, 2012

Previsao Economia Mundial Para 2013

Apesar de tudo continuo investindo. 

Read on.

Morgan Stanley’s Doom Scenario: Major Recession in 2013
CNBC.com | November 20, 2012 | 06:46 AM EST
The global economy is likely to be stuck in the “twilight zone” of sluggish growth in 2013, Morgan Stanley has warned, but if policymakers fail to act, it could get a lot worse.

The bank’s economics team forecasts a full-blown recession next year, under a pessimistic scenario, with global gross domestic product (GDP) likely to plunge 2 percent.
“More than ever, the economic outlook hinges upon the actions taken or not taken by governments and central banks,” Morgan Stanley said in a report.
Under the bank’s more gloomy scenario, the U.S. would go over the “fiscal cliff” leading to a contraction in U.S. GDP for the first three quarters of 2013. In Europe, the bank’s pessimistic scenario assumes a failure of the European Central Bank (ECB) in cutting rates and a delay of its bond-buying program.

Whom to Blame for Global Growth Woes
But the bank says investors should also be nimble, in case policy action is “convincing and decisive,” leading to a big uptick in growth.
“Importantly, investors should keep an open mind and be prepared to switch between the scenarios as policy developments unfold.”
The bank’s most optimistic scenario forecasts GDP growth of 4 percent in 2012 compared to around 3.1 percent this year.

 Why Risk Is Back On For Markets
Morgan Stanley isn’t alone in warning about a recession next year. Noted bear, Nouriel Roubini warned on Monday that certain key developments would exacerbate the downside risks to global growth in 2013.
“Until now, the recessionary fiscal drag has been concentrated in the euro zone periphery and the U.K.. But now it is permeating the euro zone’s core,” Roubini wrote. “And in the U.S., even if President Barack Obama and the Republicans in Congress agree on a budget plan that avoids the looming “fiscal cliff,” spending cuts and tax increases will invariably lead to some drag on growth in 2013 – at least 1 percent of GDP.”

 Faber Prepare for Massive Market Meltdown
Roubini said the rally in global markets that begun in July was now running out of steam as global growth slows and valuations look stretched.
“Price/earnings ratios are now high, while growth in earnings per share is slackening, and will be subject to further negative surprises as growth and inflation remain low. With uncertainty, volatility, and tail risks on the rise again, the correction could accelerate quickly.”


  1. As crises nunca afetaram os investidores de longo prazo. Sempre valeu a pena investir. Crise sempre existirá. Como diaria o Bastter, o grande problema é que muitos são levados pelo efeito "manada" e acabam comprando na alta e vendendo na baixa.

    1. Doni, investir em longo prazo e no que? Se fosse em telefone no brasil na decada de 80 hoje o cara estaria ferrado.

      Ja pensou em quem investiu nas eletricas em 2010? Que ferro eim? Nunca mais eu entro em eletrica. Sai na hora certa.

      Acho que a agenda 'longo prazo' merece um pouco, so um pouco de reflexao.

      Outra coisa: os mercados de derivativos premiam os que apostam na desgraca, e ganham. Via opcoes.

      Entao ha gente ganhando na alta e na baixa...alta e baixa....


  2. Por isso que invisto no bem estar da minha sogra. funcionaria publica da light, com proventos na casa de JK 23mil! Pode ate ser imoral. ja ilegal, nao é!

    1. Se a filha for unica, maravilha!!! Ideia melhor que abrir loja de vinhos.

      Eu troquei uma irma pela outra. Gemea ainda por cima. Imagina o clima...

  3. Nao sei ainda se é problema ou vantagem ter um lôjinha..se falir ao menos bebo estoque ou se fali por beber o estoque...

    1. Espressa,

      nem todos os vinhos aguentam o tempo necessario para serem bebidos. E nao se esqueca que ha muita bomba tambem....aqueles argentinos e chilenos que sao pavorosos. Alem dos franceses baratos, cavas de supermercado...

      Coisas que aproveito quando perdem a validade se chamam embutidos, massas, molhos, cervejas, alguns chocolates, pimentas...

      Cacete, a loja inteira perde a validade as vezes.

