Saturday, June 28, 2014

100 Anos Hoje. Franz Ferdinand E O Ventilador Ligado A Toda Forza

A mais fascinante e talvez triste das grandes guerrras. Quem ja leu books (no pun) sobre essa guerra sabe do que falo.

Aqui vai um artigo rico e curto sobre esse evento historico cujo inicio faz 100 anos hoje (no lado direito da pagina ha mais links).

Uma passagem interessante:

For Germany, which had invested heavily in the machinery of war, it was an almost incomprehensible defeat, laying the groundwork for revolution, revanchism, fascism and genocide. Oddly enough, says Max Hastings, a war historian, Germany could have dominated Europe in 20 years economically if only it had not gone to war.
“The supreme irony of 1914 is how many of the rulers of Europe grossly overestimated military power and grossly underestimated economic power,” Mr. Hastings said, a point he now emphasizes when speaking with Chinese generals. The Germans, too, are still coming to terms with their past, unsure how much to press their current economic and political strength in Europe

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